7 Collaborative Coding Tools for Remote Pair Programming

It allows developers to receive immediate, face-to-face, and practical teaching. This is far more efficient than online tutorials and faster than searching the Internet for information. what is pair programming helps developers understand each part of a codebase, meaning the environment will not be dependent on a single person for repairs if something breaks. Pair programming uses the four eyes principle, which ensures two sets of eyes review the code that is being produced, even when there is a division of labor. While the driver writes the code, the navigator checks the code being written.

pair programming

There was a presentation by a person from ThoughtWorks. But it was not until late 2007 and early 2008 that I actually experienced it personally. While I was working with my previous employer, after joining they had sent me to UK to understand the Agile practices and to get familiarize with the team. I got to work closely with my counterparts in UK and learn new tools and technology while pairing up with them.

What is Pair Programming? Advantages, Challenges, Tutorials & More

Picking up a review task requires a context switch for somebody. So the more often code reviews occur, the more disruptive they will be for reviewers. And they should occur frequently, to ensure continuous integration of small changes. So a reviewer can become a bottleneck to integrate and deploy, which adds time pressure – again, something that leads to potentially less effective reviews. Many people see the existence of a code review process as reason enough not to need pair programming.

pair programming

This article is being improved by another user right now. They stand in different relationships to the problem by virtue of their functional roles.

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He also spells, checks it, and figures out whether the written code goes wrong somewhere and the next step. The coder’s individual’s task is to code according to the requirement, and he need not worry about what is being written since the other programmer is proofreading it. The roles can be switched anytime; the driver becomes the observer and vice versa. Both form pairs and work effectively so that time is saved and the code is easy to debug. This is the reason why it is also called “pairing” or “programming in pairs”.

Two brains are always better than one – If driver encounters a problem with code, there will be two of them who’ll solve problem. When driver is writing code, navigator can think about a solution to problem. If you’re taking one of our classes, consider connecting with other students in our forums or on Discord. You can virtually pair program, and while it has a few more hurdles than in-person pair programming, it can still be beneficial. Writing code is only a small piece of what programmers do. Most of their time is spent solving problems, so having another programmer to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm with is invaluable.

What Are Collaborative Coding Tools?

However, this is a misconception that needs to be clarified. With pairing, it is like having somebody review your code instantly and regularly. Two people have to be there and understand the program being written. And if one sees problems with the other’s code, then it can be instantly corrected.

  • The good news is that unlike other forms of in-person collaboration, pair programming translates really well to remote work, and in some cases is even more effective.
  • How exactly pair programming can be effective for you, how much of it, and for which tasks, can vary.
  • Let’s say you need to use a technology for the first time, or try out a new approach or pattern.
  • This reduces the dependencies on individuals and serves the Agile principle of cross functional teams.
  • Experts rely on their depth of knowledge to direct the activity, while the novice can learn more from the expert.
  • This helps make the team as a whole more productive and happier.
  • It simply points to the workspace for both the programmers where they can sit next to each other, orienting the same computer.

While for some organizations, pair programming doesn’t fit well, others find that it brings them many benefits, including higher quality code, better training, and faster onboarding. As long as everyone in the team is working together towards the same goal, pair programming is a good idea. While in some teams, developers switch pairs every day for half a day, others have completely different approaches. In general, spreading knowledge across all the members of the team is a good practice. That’s because it takes some time for the story lead to onboard partners on the story’s objectives and tasks. That’s why finishing a story might take slightly more time.

How to get the most out of remote pairing

Full access to one’s usual local development environment and tooling. Great collaborative coding tools transcend traditional pair programming limitations and let both participants enjoy the setup they’re already comfortable with. If you’re a programmer, you know that collaboration is key to success. And there’s no better way to collaborate than through pair programming.

pair programming

A manager would have to balance faster completion of the work and reduced testing and debugging time against the higher cost of coding. The relative weight of these factors can vary by project and task. Pair programming allows team members to share quickly, making them less likely to have agendas hidden from each other. This helps pair programmers learn to communicate more easily. “This raises the communication bandwidth and frequency within the project, increasing overall information flow within the team.” Depending on the scope of the software, programmers have to consider many different eventualities, functions and problem areas.

Rotations lead to context switching

As mentioned when we described the classic driver/navigator style earlier, pairing allows you to have different perspectives on the code. The driver’s brain is usually more in “tactical” mode, thinking about the details, the current line of code. Meanwhile, the navigator’s brain can think more strategically, consider the big picture, park next steps and ideas on sticky notes. Having a tactical and strategic view combined will increase your code quality because it will allow you to pay attention to the details while also having the bigger picture in mind. The refactoring of code is always part of coding, and therefore of https://www.globalcloudteam.com/.

pair programming

The best pair programmers know when to say “let’s try your idea first.” Don’t expect people to be good at it from the start. It helps if you have someone on your team with experience to show everyone what it should feel like. Pair programming is an agile, collaborative software development method done between a team of two developers that each take on an individual role. The driver works directly at the computer while the navigator concentrates on the overall programming direction. Some problems require deep thinking that’s best done in isolation. One approach is to work out the solution in advance before starting a pair programming session.

Common Pitfalls of the Pair Programming

Familiarity with the two fundamental programming paradigms in software development makes that decision easier. Imperative programming is the oldest paradigm and is still being used today. Our overview outlines what an imperative programming language can do and what its limits are. Pair programming is especially useful for larger projects.